We have come back all refreshed from our holiday and now its time to update the blog with some piccies! We headed off on a Friday evening after Dave spent all day packing the trailer (its art what he does!)
We spent the night in Dandaragan with Margie and Hazza - leaving them with Oscar, who had a lovely holiday by all accounts (far and wide through the town) We were able to catch up with Dave's Granma which was wonderful, we love hearing all her stories - she is funny when she declares she wont tell us a thing more unless we tell her something about us!! Her life has been fascinating to hear about.
After we left Dandaragan we headed to Scarborough for a lovely lunch with Grant and Claire - we felt like we hadn't seen them for ages. We had a great catch up over lunch and then headed south to Mandurah.

Mel and Mick live in Mandurah and seem to have a great lifestyle - we were lucky that they put their pontoon (party) boat in the water for us.
Poor Mel had had an accident earlier in the week and wasn't feeling her best - but still an exceptional host as always!

Dave and the boys went out to try for some "crabbies" while us ladies relaxed on the boat. Regretfully the boys didn't catch enough to feed us (Great Hunter-Gatherers!)

After the fun of crabbing was over we joined the throng of other boaters to check out the canals where nearly every canal home tries to outdo the rest with their extensive collection of Christmas lights.... let me tell you - its quite a show!!

What a great night it was - this is when I first really felt like I was on Holidays!! THanks SO MUCH Mel n Mick!