Rock climbing at Cheynes Beach (east of Albany)
This is Greenrange Country Club - in the middle of nowhere (about 80km east from Albany) there is this nice Golf Course, Cricket Pitch, Bowling Green and clubhouse... middle of nowhere, it's bizarre! But this is where we found our Mate Neils twin brother Mark and his family.
Mark took Dave out to play a few holes of golf - might have been easier with a boat - as there had been an insane amount of rain before we arrived! There was also another deluge whilst we were there and hence the underwater greens - hahaha.
The above lovelies are Chase and Jasmine - the resident dogs.. they keep the chooks in line... or is it the other way around?
From Mark's place we headed to Bremer Bay, and what a lovely surprise that was.... completely unexpected to fall in love with it - the beaches are stunning and the fishing is brilliant and the Caravan park had a cafe attached - what more can a girl want???? siiighh...I reckon
this is the life.JPG)
Rock stacking at Bremer.JPG)
We met some fantastic people at Bremer Bay Club - Julie and Kevin, who invited us to join them fishing for Mullet in the river. We've never been fishing using nets before and Dave in particular found it quite... refreshing... or was that the water leaking into his waders??
The above photo is Dave and Kevin filleting the fish they caught, in the background are the Pelicans waiting for their share. It was very entertaining when the pelicans decided from time to time to help themselves to fish in the nets.
It was awesome meeting Julie and Kevin - we spent the evening with them sharing the spoils of the day with a yummy BBQ.