Going on a daytrip is a little trickier than just jumping in the car and taking off...just follow these simple instructions..
1 - you need to put all your warmest waterproof clothes on
(make sure u have your "real cothes" with you)
2 - you need to get down to the car park
if your lucky you might get a shuttle otherwise 10 minute walk - downhill in ankle deep snow
3 - find the car in the carpark....
not as easy as it sounds... if you can't remember exactly where it's parked - you have to find the right "shaped" snowmound, uncover the numberplate, repeat this until you find your car.
4 - Remove snow....
it is recommended that you remember to bring your gloves with you... otherwise, brrrr! If you are lucky you will have a scraper to do this... if you are even luckier your husband tells you to wait in the car once you uncover the door.
5- Start car
6- If you had forgotten to take your handbrake off when you originally parked,
wait several minutes while the car/brakes warm up, then reverse backwards and then forwards, until the brake warms up enough that you can take it off.... none of this is recommended really.
7 - phew
8 - Get in car and take off all wet weather gear
without getting too much snow on your seat, and try to keep dry as you put on all your normal clothes for "down hill"
9 - Slowly drive off out of your car's "cuccoon" and depart the mountain
10 - Take it easy
the mountain is 25km from the bottom and it takes approximately 40 - 45 minutes to drive.. it can be a little icy or snow covered at the top and it's extremely windy, lets hope your passenger doesn't get carsick easily...
11- Remember stuff...
that you should have bought with you; like sunglasses, or stuff that you shouldn't have left in the car; frozen jellybeans :(
12 - Enjoy your day trip
try not to think of all the things that are required to get back home to the lodge (uphill, in the snow, at night, with all the stuff u bought)