Friday, September 01, 2006

Animal House

Thought I might load some pic's of our little family,

These couple of photos were taken last year when we were living out at Mum and Dad's place, where you can see behind me that I left a legacy of Marigolds..

Oscar is awfully fond of going to the beach - it is about the only time that he will "smile" for a photo. The rest of the time he looks very serious, or dare I say, "GROUCHy"?

Austin is our other big black and white dog, he even comes when you whistle, he is rather pathetic and gets beaten up all the time, if not by the neighbours cat "Saturday" then its a hiding from Elizabeth. He and Oscar both share the laundry at night so everyone else can get some sleep. But he is a big beautiful boy who is scared of everything - most especially CHANGE!

Megsy the oldest and definitly the grumpiest in nature of our little family... this is her at her best - she smells food and is asking for a share so she isn't snarling into the camera. All kids have been advised not to go near her - no matter how sweet she looks.... looks can be decieving (just like her really)

Elizabeth is a sweetie... she acts like a little teeny weeny scaredy cat, when really she is the bravest of the lot and is very very sneaky and stirs trouble with Megsy all the time - I believe some work is at play to "dethrone the queen" - so watch out Megs! Lily-beth is also a scammer, she likes to make out that she "cant possibly jump that high" I don't know what thats about as quite clearly as this photo shows.... she can jump just fine!!!

I cant finish off without including a picture the very bestest animal in the house, and it is my Monkey boy husband - Dave!

I know,.. scary isn't it?


Anonymous said...

hado boyo!
I could not decide which one is the funniest - Uncle Dave or Oscar!


Anonymous said...

hado boyo!
I could not decide which one is the funniest - Uncle Dave or Oscar!