Friday, May 18, 2007

Mothers Day weekend at Dandaragan

We headed south to the farm this weekend to spend Mothers Day with Margie. We joined Helen, Dene and Jordan - all of us staying with Margie & Hazza.
Colleen, Johnno and the girls, Emily and Amber came for tea on Saturday night
Early Mothers Day morning while Margie and Hazza went to church - the boys organised a "Berrington" Breakfast (pancakes on the BBQ) After a little refinement of the recipe (by Hel's) they did very well and were very tasty
afterwards we went out to the farm and had Emily and Amber drive us around

we fed the cows

and looked at the sheep

and at the fig tree!!

Margie said she was very happy to have all her chicks around her for Mother's Day - and it really was a lovely weekend!


Oh! While we were there we finally cut the top tier of our wedding cake!!

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