We are loving the Gold Coast - endless tall buildings and yet the tall trees and gardens make it seem really nice. Our building is right on the ocean, four floors up, right at this moment I'm listening to the sounds of waves and if I slightly turn my head to the right I can see the waves rolling into the beach.... its really weird seeing the sun coming up from the beach and not going down behind it in the evening..

(hey, this is good stuff I might use it for a blogpost!)
Went to the big casino last night - had yummy seafood platter for tea (I am being really good still with my diet!) We then went to have a look in the casino, the "high rollers" that we are, we changed our five dollar notes and played til after 11pm. I walked out with my $5, Dave empty handed. I found a Kenny Rogers themed pokie, and it seemed to like me.... the only pokie I understood the concept of... and I don't sem to mind hearing Kenny's music repeated at me.... (who knew?)
Found some absolute bargains at Pacific Fair, the biggest shopping centre I've ever seen, it comes complete with train ride tours, a mini car track, and a jungle themed cafe/restaurant overlooking a little lake with a waterfall and has an elephant (stuffed) outside. I may have to go back again cos I didn't see it all.

Last night we had a massage in our room, it was really good, the company is a Mobile service Dave had a DEEP TISSUE massage that he said was the best (he's still sleeping so it must've been good)
The bloke doing it said he didn't need to go to the gym as it was a workout and a half and was sweating! Mine was a lovely relaxing massage until she found the knots in my shoulder. Were getting them back on Thursday!!
We have a toyota prius for our hire car (Chris Judd has one) its a nifty neat machine, first time Dave drove it and stopped at a set of traffic lights I nearly laughed cos I thought he stalled it - But NO! Its running on a battery type thing and there is no engine noise... so you can hear what other people are saying in their cars n stuff. I'll take some pictures of the interior - its really weird!
Well Davie is now up and we were going to go for a walk/swim on the beach...
So, having a great time here...
will write more later - if I get the time :)
Cheers Rae
1 comment:
Hi you two, great to hear the holiday is going well.... sure brings back some good memories for us.... oh, can dream I guess, not sure we will get back there again, so much I want to see over here and up North which I haven't been to yet before going back that way again..... Janita
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