So we finally left Geraldton and made it as far as Dandaragan - happy to have made that! We had sooo much to do before we left so it was a relief when we finallly rolled out of town.

Spent some time with Dave's brother Johno and family - had a little mini birthday celebration and played on the new ride on mower!

From there we cruised up to New Norcia and spent the night at Bomber and Lisa's place and had tea with them and Phil and Mezza Haywood and their girls.
After dropping my mazda at Bindoon for the week we headed thru Toodyay and York onto Beverley to stay on our old farm "Bally Bally"

We met all my family there and had a great time - Dave celebrated his birthday for about the third time (third cake too)

Bush camping was the order of the day - nothing like a bit of a challenge to start our adventure! The kids had a ball , playing with fire and smoking us all out...

we caught up with some of Mum's brothers and families which was nice -loads of kids everywhere - all playing on Uncle Ross's new tractor

This is Mum n Dad's old ute - the one they took on their Honeymoon to Albany

Uncle Ken showing the kids how to throw a rock... and showing the adults how to throw your back out!

Me n Dave at County Peak

The kids outside the gates of the farm at Beverley - onto Merredin next