The Murfit convoy left Beverley behind and made its merry way to Merredin... our cousins let us camp on their farm up on Newcarnie rocks.

As you can see we were knee deep in vegetation until "fixit farmer father" got the flora under control. Up until this point I had pondered upon why one would go camping with a "whipper snipper"

(all these photos can be clicked on to enlarge them)

Grandad and Reilly - reflecting on the meaning of life???

We had quite a time driving around the region, checking out where my Dad went to school, where he grew up, checked out the Museum - kids loved that, I liked seeing both my Granmas profiled in the "Pioneer" womens section at the museum...

Grandma Edith even got a plaque and a rose in the Pioneer womens garden, that was pretty cool.

We had a lovely afternoon tea/lunch at Springvale - The kids had a great time - terrorising Matthew and Beths chickens (hope they started laying again?)

The museum was great fun, and the tadpole rescue mission was quite something to witness, traumatised tadpoles.. can you imagine?

The whole family went back to where Dad was born and grew up - and we placed a plaque there - some friends of Dad's from Merredin came along too which was nice.

Dad then took us for a bit of a walk and showed us all around - telling us stories of this and that, I particularly enjoyed hearing about his ferrets. I have a soft spot for ferrets... don't know why - I've never even touched one... they look "bitey"

I think secretly Ken wanted to take this peice of "machinery/bucket of rust" home with him.
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