New Zealand was fabulouS!!
We caught up with our good friends the Tickners - who we're so wonderful to pick us up from the airport and then took us the windiest part of Wellington!!!
We stayed quite a while with them in their home town of Masterton... these good people also introduced us to the most awesome place to get ICE CREAM!!! Therefor they are completely culpaple for our ensuing weight gain!

Although we looked everywhere we had a hard time spotting any Kiwi Birds.... they are the masters of hiding!

After Sue and Jase's wedding we took off for a jaunt around the North Island...

I think my favourite spot in the north Island was Napier! The Art Deco city - we got there just before the Annual Art Deco celebrations. The whole town seems to explode with people and cars from the "great Gatsby" era... it was awesome to see all these people in costume wandering around....

Speaking of people wandering around.... That there is Billy Connollys backside... he even said hello to me! "Sweet As Bro"
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